
Love Issues

I think I'm probably going to be one of those people that will never get married. I'm only 20 so I'm possibly being over-dramatic at the minute and I've not had anywhere near enough experience with the opposite sex on an adult level to even justify my previous comment. However, after my ex and I split up some time ago I've not once had the passion or drive to get back into a relationship again.

Don't get me wrong, I've met many fantastic women, but everytime I consider taking it to the 'next level', I panic and decide against it.

I've been partying hard all weekend with some friends of mine, two birthdays infact. On one night I met a lovely woman, a few years older than me, who I instantly connected with. The whole night I spent talking to her and her friends, none of whom I've ever met before. We ended up sharing a kiss before the night was up and I figured that was that. I spent the night at someones house only to find the next morning she had come round to offer me a lift home, as I had said the night previously I wasn't sure how I was going to get home. Really sweet of her.

I took her up on the offer and the whole way home we spent chatting in the car. We got back to mine and I invited her in for a cup of tea and spent the next four hours after that chatting, but it really didn't seem like four hours - the time just flew by. She decided it was about time to go, so I walked her to her car where we spent another hour chatting more. The whole time just bonding and completely understanding each other.

I'm not one to jump the gun and say "yeah, sweet, she'll do for me" because relationships shouldn't and don't work like that. I've got to admit though that she's the first lady I've met in a while that I've actually had an understanding with... and I'm still frightened to make anything more of it.

There's an obvious physical attraction between us both, but at the minute I'm just far too protective over my own feelings to want to do anything. I'm not sure if I'm emotionally scarred from a past relationship or whether I'm just one of those guys who doesn't want to put any committment in. Perhaps I'm enjoying being single too much? It's not like I sleep around either so I'm still trying to work it all out.

Anyway, I'll no-doubt post my thoughts up here if anything should come of it.


GoodnightLondon said...

hey Tiga, I know my comment here has nothing to do with this post, but I just wanted to say thanks for letting me know that you're interested in coming to the gig. I'll have all the details about it this week. Unfortunately I've had technical problems with my database (in plain speak, I accidently deleted tons of the template while putting up an ad for Endsleigh!), but have it all saved, so will put it back up this week. That's why a lot of the blog and a lot of the links have dissapeared, but they'll be back up in no time, together with some new posts!
Cheers man

Obi said...

Don't push it past anything you're comfortable with.

You know, the interesting fact is that I'm going/gone through the same exact experience with a young lady I know - where goodbyes take an hour b/c of all the chatting. However, in my case I decided to take a chance and see her on a regular basis.

Things are happy with me right now - but that's mainly b/c I decided to act according to what I felt I wanted to / felt comfortable doing for now. Good luck to you on whatever you choose.

Anonymous said...

everything happens for a reason :)