
Apple Computer's Pet Leopard

I've come across this blog of someone running a few previews of Apple's next OS, due in Spring next year, called Leopard.

I'm pretty sure it's breaking a few copyrights, especially as the blog owner admits to downloading an illegal beta copy of the operating system through Bittorent. Still, it's an interesting read, especially if you're a Mac owner.

I'm liking some of the new features of Blogger Beta version x.something, or whatever version it is, but I'm still finding errors when trying to comment on other blogs when signed in under my Gmail account username. Unfortunately I can't sign in on my other username anymore as I made the transition to the new blogger. Hope they get it sorted soon because I want to comment on a few blogs I read (check out my links bar).

Going away for the weekend now for a Christening. I'm Godfather for my nephew in the Isle of Wight on Sunday. Spent a lot of time rushing around trying to sort out a nice suit, only to be told it'll be casual wear over anything else. Pain in the arse or what?

Anyway, would like to get a few pictures and post them up, but I shan't for anonymity reasons.

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