
Godfather Fever

One of the first things I did upon my return from the Isle of Wight was to check my e-mails. I had over 30 e-mails spread out over three days just sitting in my Inbox wating to be opened, but 28 of those e-mails were Spam. Okay, so not exactly a lot compared to most, but I almost never receive Spam. So to be away for three days and return to find 28 crappy e-mails sitting there was a bit of a shock to the system - and of course, a let down that none of my friends or family had e-mailed me.

Anyway, the Christening was lovely although at times I felt a bit out of place as I'm actually an athiest, so becoming a Godfather was a little bit hypercritical, right?

Here's a small gift from my sister as a thank you. It's nothing official (that's left for the Church of England apparently) but it is a little reminder of my duty to my nephew. It was fun spending some time with the family and I'll hopefully be doing it all over again in just over a months time for my 21st birthday.

Oh and by the way, the other two e-mails were newsletters - Mr Pop You Lar, I think you'll find.

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