
I'm No Tiger

All this talk of war and terrorism is too depressing to talk about right now, so I'm going to take a break from possibly many other blogs by talking about a new hobby I've picked up. Golf!

Not an easy sport by any means - I still haven't gotten over how much skill, intelligence and patience it requires, something I'm not used to from football and rugby which is more a mix of skill and intelligence plus physical contact.

Anyway, I've been a few times before to a driving range with my father when I was a kid, he's an avid golfer. Unfortunately for me though, at the time I was too small to hold his clubs so having a crack at it from a young age wasn't an option - and I doubt my Dad wanted to spend money on a set of clubs for me that I'd only be using for a few years. But yesterday was the day when I finally gave it a go, and to my cousin and uncles surprise (and mine for that matter), I was actually pretty good. My technique wasn't too bad and I seem to be able to whack a ball about 200 yards.

It's all gravy! I'm going to continue giving it a go on the driving range before I move onto a golf course, and if I like it as much as I think I will, I'll end up buying my own graphite clubs. Canni wait.

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