
My First

...Over 600 days later and I finally give up with Wordpress and make a move to Blogger.com. Why? Well, a good question, afterall, Wordpress is a damn site better than the software on offer here, but it lacks one thing - a network of other blogs. The sheer thought that someone, somewhere, might come along and read this is enough to persuade me to create an account and start blogging.

So here I begin, and what better way to start than with a little explanation of myself and a brief description of my goal. I'm male, 20 years old and living in London, England. I'm currently unemployed although that doesn't mean to say I haven't been desperately looking for work. I don't ponce off of anyone, I'm thankful I have enough cash to keep my alive for now, and I do have some other (legal) ways of making cash as well. For the past two years I've been fitting kitchens in and around London, so I do have some experience in that trade, but unfortunately fitting a kitchen isn't the required experience to get into I.T - not even a Diploma in IT helps with that.

My music taste varies, although Indie and Rock are up there on my favourites list, but it should probably be mentioned that I do have a soft-spot for Rn'B, Soul, Funk, Reggae and Hip Hop. I'm into a variety of films, but the typical chick flick and common Hollywood blockbuster don't generally interest me. As such, I prefer films that delve a little deeper into the meaning of everything, such as Donnie Darko and Requiem for a Dream. Of course, the comical films with any member of the Frat Pack is always a hit with me - cheesy comedy always cheers me up.

On other side of things that don't involve sitting on my arse, I am a very active person playing sports on almost every day of the week, as well as working out at home using a combination of weights and bananas (don't ask) three times a week.

Gosh, this sounds like a C.V doesn't it? Anyway, that's all you'll know of me for now.

My reasons for being here? Well, besides my point in the opening paragraph, I have a love for reading and writing and would seriously take up any offer of employment in Journalism - and I will be taking a course soon enough. I'll be using this blog to better my writing, as well as get a few things off my chest that I may or may not be able to talk about with others close to me. The moment my identity becomes jeopardised, I'll be swiftly heading off without a trace.

Let the fun begin!

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