
One Of Those Moments

This post is going to be one of those moments where I look back in about a years time and think to myself "my god, what an idiot! What were you thinking?".

I'm low again and I'm not sure if it's because I've not been out in weeks, whether I have no money to go out or whether I'm jobless - it's actually probably a combination of all three really. This post is more about feeling sorry for myself, so I doubt it'll be much fun for anyone to read.

Anywho, I'm pissed off and it's becoming a daily thing now, just always grumpy and fed up. I'm annoyed with people who keep saying I don't do anything all day long, if they actually spent a day with me and saw how frustrating it is they'd understand. They've got it easy having jobs, believe me. See, I'm desperately trying to get into the I.T industry, whether this is in I.T support, like a technician, or for an Internet Service Provider. I have a Diploma in IT which I could have progressed into a HND in IT had I stayed in the location I lived in before, but moving with family has completely ruined those plans and it would now cost me an awful lot to step up to a HND. Anyway, it appears that a Diploma in IT just isn't good enough these days. It's great that I've got it, but companies now require that I have experience. Normally I could get away with "must have 1 year's experienced in.." but most are asking for 3 years plus. How the hell am I supposed to get any kind of experience in IT when no company will take me on.

I've thankfully seen a couple of jobs that don't require experience and I have applied but, so far, to no avail. I'd even be willing to do voluntary work for 6 months or something, but how am I supposed to afford travel expenses and bills as well as juggling a pay-less job? I just don't see how it's possible. Some could say 'get a loan', but I'm not going down that route because I've seen what it's done to my family - evidently, no good!

I'm fed up of looking for jobs now, even though I must continue. I just wish someone would give me a break and employ me already. I'm increasingly frightened I'll still be unemployed come Christmas. Please, no!

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